Planned Parenthood Spends $40 Million On Biden Support

Jun 25, 2024

Planned Parenthood will spend $40 million ahead of the November 2024 elections to support President Joe Biden and their united push to expand abortion access throughout the U.S.

Planned Parenthood is targeting eight states to start: Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Montana, New Hampshire, and New York, according to a report from Newsmax. A majority of the spending will go toward reaching voters ” voters with volunteer and paid canvassing programs, phone banking and digital, TV, and mail advertising.”

Pushing Against Life

“Abortion will be the message of this election, and it will be how we energize voters,” said Jenny Lawson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Votes. “It will be what enables us to win.” Lawson also stated “We continue to see the devastation that comes when anti-abortion politicians have power,” adding “It’s just gotten worse.”

Planned Parenthood isn’t alone in its push against supporting women and their children. Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) launched a tax-payer-funded “educational” campaign against pro-life pregnancy centers in June, telling citizens these organizations put women’s “health at risk.”

Those running the state’s DPH partnered with pro-abortion group Reproductive Equity Now Foundation to create the public education campaign, according to the Christian Post. The campaign was funded through a $1 million investment, passed by the Massachusetts legislature in the 2023 supplemental budget. (LEARN MORE: Pro-Life Group Sues DOJ Over Alleged Targeting Of Christian)

When We Fight, We Win

But when we fight back against the anti-life lobby, we see big wins. For example, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana in June blocked the attempts made by Democrats under the Biden administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to manipulate the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) in such a way it would force all companies to pay for their employees to get abortions.

“No religious employer should ever be made to accommodate employees for obtaining abortions when facilitating an abortion contradicts the employer’s sincerely held religious beliefs. It’s good to see the court affirm that in this decision,” Family Research Council director of the Center for Religious Liberty, Arielle Del Turco said in a statement to the Washington Stand. “Sadly, the Biden administration continues to expand abortion via any means possible — including through the EEOC’s overreaching regulation to enforce a bipartisan law written to help pregnant workers — without any regard for conscience protection or for religious freedom.” (LEARN MORE: Biden Ignores Christian Massacres For 3rd Year In A Row)

Protecting Religious Freedom

We at Million Voices believe in upholding the right to worship and express faith freely, as well as advocating for the sanctity of life at every stage. Did you know that you, your family, and friends can send letters directly to your elected officials today? We can tell your leaders what you want from their time in office, and what you expect from our federal government, particularly when it comes to saving the lives of the unborn and protecting expectant mothers.

Letter-writing campaigns, or even just a single letter, can be enough to sway policy. So what do you care about and want to be changed? Let us know, and we’ll send the letters to the right representatives for you. (LEARN MORE: Why Men Must Join The Pro-Life Purpose)

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